Summary: Properties of Identity, Inverses, and Zero
ACCESS ADDITIONAL ONLINE RESOURCES- Multiplying and Dividing Involving Zero
Key Concepts
- Identity Properties
- Identity Property of Addition: For any real number : is the additive identity
- Identity Property of Multiplication:
For any real number :
- is the multiplicative identity
- Inverse Properties
- Inverse Property of Addition: For any real number a: is the additive inverse of a
- Inverse Property of Multiplication: For any real number a: is the multiplicative inverse of a
- Properties of Zero
- Multiplication by Zero: For any real number a,
- Division of Zero: For any real number a,
- Division by Zero: For any real number a, is undefined and is undefined. Division by zero is undefined.
- Additive Identity
- The additive identity is . When zero is added to any number, it does not change the value.
- Additive Inverse
- The opposite of a number is its additive inverse. The additive inverse of a is .
- Multiplicative Identity
- The multiplicative identity is . When one multiplies any number, it does not change the value.
- Multiplicative Inverse
- The reciprocal of a number is its multiplicative inverse. The multiplicative inverse of a is .