Summary: Writing and Identifying Decimals
Key Concepts
- Name a decimal number.
- Name the number to the left of the decimal point.
- Write "and" for the decimal point.
- Name the "number" part to the right of the decimal point as if it were a whole number.
- Name the decimal place of the last digit.
- Write a decimal number from its name.
- Look for the word "and"—it locates the decimal point. Place a decimal point under the word "and." Translate the words before "and" into the whole number and place it to the left of the decimal point.If there is no "and," write a "0" with a decimal point to its right.
- Mark the number of decimal places needed to the right of the decimal point by noting the place value indicated by the last word.
- Translate the words after "and" into the number to the right of the decimal point. Write the number in the spaces—putting the final digit in the last place.
- Fill in zeros for place holders as needed.
- Convert a decimal number to a fraction or mixed number.
- Look at the number to the left of the decimal. If it is zero, the decimal converts to a proper fraction. If it is not zero, the decimal converts to a mixed number. Write the whole number.
- Determine the place value of the final digit.
- Write the fraction. numerator—the ‘numbers’ to the right of the decimal point denominator—the place value corresponding to the final digit
- Simplify the fraction, if possible.
- Order decimals.
- Check to see if both numbers have the same number of decimal places. If not, write zeros at the end of the one with fewer digits to make them match.
- Compare the numbers to the right of the decimal point as if they were whole numbers.
- Order the numbers using the appropriate inequality sign.
- Round a decimal.
- Locate the given place value and mark it with an arrow.
- Underline the digit to the right of the given place value.
- Is this digit greater than or equal to ? Yes - add to the digit in the given place value. No - do not change the digit in the given place value
- Rewrite the number, removing all digits to the right of the given place value.
- equivalent decimals
- Two decimals are equivalent decimals if they convert to equivalent fractions.